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A Retrospective of 2023, a Year Full of Changes

PGGM Annual Message 2023

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We will take you through the highlights of 2023:

Edwin Velzel


Buitenzijde kantoor PGGM

Key Figures 2023

participants of our clients

billion in managed assets

We are PGGM. A Solid Value in Health and Welfare.

Mensen overleggen op roltrap naar boven

Pension Management and Advisory

Mensen overleggen aan ronde tafel met laptop in het midden

We provide a good pension for participants, deliver excellent and personalized customer service, and advise our clients on their pension schemes.

Asset Management and Advisory

Mensen overleggen in lobby bedrijf

We aim to become the best 3D investor for PFZW. With our policy advice and asset management, we therefore ensure a good pension and contribute to a sustainable world.

Health and Welfare

Collega's die met elkaar in kantine tafelvoetballen

Together with PFZW, social partners, and our subsidiary Vernet, we develop new products and services that contribute to a vital health and welfare sector.

Our People

We believe it's important that employees enjoy their work and can develop in an inspiring, innovative, and inclusive work environment.

Click on one of the circles to read the article!

Future-Proof Business Operations

We focus on innovations and data to ensure our organisation remains dynamic. In everything we do, we are aware of its impact on tomorrow's world. That's why we incorporate sustainability into all our actions.

Working at PGGM

Do you want to make an impact on the future of people, the environment, and society? You can at PGGM. You will work with 1,500 colleagues for the pensions of 4.3 million people, mainly in health and welfare. That's how you make a global impact.


A Retrospective of 2023, a Year Full of Changes

PGGM Annual Message 2023

Scroll naar inhoud

Edwin Velzel


Buitenzijde kantoor PGGM

Key Figures 2023

participants of our clients

billion in managed assets

We are PGGM. A Solid Value in Health and Welfare.

Mensen overleggen op roltrap naar boven

Pension Management and Advisory

Mensen overleggen aan ronde tafel met laptop in het midden

We provide a good pension for participants, deliver excellent and personalized customer service, and advise our clients on their pension schemes.

Mensen overleggen in lobby bedrijf

We aim to become the best 3D investor for PFZW. With our policy advice and asset management, we therefore ensure a good pension and contribute to a sustainable world.

Asset Management and Advisory

Collega's die met elkaar in kantine tafelvoetballen

Together with PFZW, social partners, and our subsidiary Vernet, we develop new products and services that contribute to a vital health and welfare sector.

Health and Welfare

Our People

We believe it's important that employees enjoy their work and can develop in an inspiring, innovative, and inclusive work environment.

Future-Proof Business Operations

We focus on innovations and data to ensure our organisation remains dynamic. In everything we do, we are aware of its impact on tomorrow's world. That's why we incorporate sustainability into all our actions.

Working at PGGM

Do you want to make an impact on the future of people, the environment, and society? You can at PGGM. You will work with 1,500 colleagues for the pensions of 4.3 million people, mainly in health and welfare. That's how you make a global impact.